The Wolf Children, is a great second novel, a worthy follow up to his debut, Murderer in the Ruins. Stave of course has much besides the case on his mind, his son, Karl has been missing since the end of the war, is he still alive? If he is, where is he? Stave has recently started a relationship and he worries about how Karl will react. Stave is keen to solve the case, particularly, after the death of one of the children, an under-age prostitute, who has become tangled up in the saga.
The Children, known as "Wolf Children" live rough in the ruins of the city, do what ever they can to make ends meet, usually involving some connection to the city's black market. Were sorry but.
The focus is on a pretty girl named Hana, who lived in a huge city and hoped to one day meet a loved one. There are children roaming the streets, having lost there parents during allied bombing raids. Starring: Aoi Miyazaki, Takao Osawa, Haru Kuroki.

The question is why? Set in the British Control Zone of Germany in 1947. In this book, Stave has been asked to investigate the deaths of several children, the first was found in a storage shed at the Hamburg port having been stabbed, during the course of the book two other children were to die. The four quietly lived in a corner of a city to conceal the. This is Cay Rademacher's Second novel in the Frank Stave Series. Summary: The theme of the film is the love between parents and children. Frank Stave's Next Adventure is about to Begin